I finally feel like I’ve got it together (most days);
juggling work, baby, home, husband and other life responsibilities. It is
exhausting and consuming, but as of late, I’ve felt that I have a handle on it
(most days). There are times I am so engrossed in the day-to-day necessities I forget I even reside in Griefland. And then, while traipsing along, focused on keeping all of my juggling balls in
the air – WHAM - I am knocked flat on my back.
Saturday morning I walked outside into the bright, warm
sunshine and inhaled the crisp, cool autumn air. It was a picture perfect fall
day and it brought me to my knees.
I went out running errands. As I drove, I admired
the day and breathed in the season; my eyes welled. I pulled it together to run
into my first stop. Fifteen minutes later, back in the car alone, I spot a
small tree already changed color; my eyes well again. I park at the grocery
store and blink hard on my way in. I manage to do all the shopping without a
break down. In the car on the ride home I cannot deny it any longer. It feels
like the wind got knocked out of me. It feels like there is a cinder block on
my chest. I sob.
This gorgeous autumn day left me trampled.
I miss him. I want so desperately to know him.