Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Better Safe Than Sorry

This morning I headed to the perinatalogist's for our weekly BPP and NST. The ultrasound tech took extra time to examine cord blood flow with the Doppler and seemed to try a dozen different angles looking at the cord. Having had 8 previous sonograms in the last few months, I knew this was unusual. She commented that my fluid was 9.8, well into the normal range, but just last week it was 16. So a significant drop. She said she would bring it up to the doctor while I was on the monitor for my NST. Moments after being hooked up totje monior, the doctor hastened into the room looking quite serious.

"Many baby's are born with the cord around their neck. Only in about 15% of cases is it serious or dangerous. However, with your history I think we should induce. I'm going down to talk to Labor and Delivery."

The fluid level is not a concern, but Baby Dragon's nuchal cord is. I immediately called E at work and told him we were having this baby and they were admitting me. Good thing I just packed the hospital bag and washed baby laundry (literally in the last 48 hours).

An hour later the paperwork was done, IV in, vitals taken and E was here by my side. My cervix is high and tight, not even 1cm. All the pineapple, red radpberry leaf tea and sex these past couple weeks could not force my body into an unnaturally early labor.

Because my cervix is still mostly closed  a manual dilation like the foley bulb is not an option. We have opted to delay the insertion of Cervidil because our midwives are not on call today but they come on in the morning. Twelve hours of Cervidil then the pitocin is started and by that time our midwife should be here.

I don't mind waiting because we are constantly on the monitor. As long as baby looks good, there is no rush.

All that being said. I am still terrified and very anxious. I am not looking forward to hours and hours of medicated labor. So far I've kept it together but the tears are barely below the surface. I will surely break down at some point here. I think E is just as scared, anxious and excited as I am.

37w3d. 1 hour until Cervidil is inserted. Wish me luck.


  1. I know I've been quiet as of late...but I've read every word youve written.

    You're finally at this point. Hold strong baby dragon.

    You're in my thoughts. Sending my love. I hope you're getting THE BEST care possible.

    I'll be here, waiting, praying, meditating, willing with you.

  2. I'm sorry it is scary. I was so anxious during induction. They are watching baby dragon so closely! I'm looking forward to wonderful news soon!

  3. Oh this made me cry. Wishing you all the best and hoping that it all goes as smoothly as possible and sending SO MUCH love.

  4. Ill be thinking of you and baby, I rememeber how anxious and scared I was when they pulled me in for a c section with Severus. I was so relieved to hear his cry that I started bawling. Sending strength and love xoxo

  5. Good luck. I'm thinking positive thoughts for you. I went through the same induction and I couldn't bive how long it was taking. Just laying there staring at the monitor. I know it's hard right now. Your finally there at that point. I can't wait for you to meet your baby! Sending love!

  6. Good luck! Good luck! I am 48 hours after this post, but looking forward to hearing any news. <3

  7. I've just found you blog and am reading backwards. These posts are particularly timely to me right now. Thanks for sharing Dragon's birth.
